Building community.
Together. Block by block.
A few new homes in a neighborhood is a good start, but communities deserve more.
Habitat for Humanity’s neighborhood revitalization work assists communities in developing a sense of well-being while preserving the quality of life that all neighborhoods deserve. We provide an array of housing solutions in existing communities across San Diego County. With this approach, we fulfill our mission of building new homes while also building community and hope.
Our work is built upon the principle that, to be successful, each neighborhood must be treated uniquely according to its needs. We encourage residents to be active participants in the revitalization of their own community, so that Habitat’s efforts can best address real concerns and improve the lives of people who already live in the neighborhood.
Collaboration is essential.
Habitat for Humanity is just one part of a community-wide effort. We partner with other community-based organizations to help neighborhoods become stronger, more vibrant places to live. Together, we are working to improve our community for as many families as we can by:
joining or forming community coalitions
creating formal + informal alliances at the local level
advocating for public policy + housing initiatives
developing a common vision with resident leaders
rallying active neighborhood support
Current Efforts
We have implemented major multi-year NR efforts in the communities where we built new homes, including Escondido, Imperial Beach, and Logan Heights. We now continue this work throughout San Diego County.