Increase your giving power with a donation of stock.
Helpful for you. Helpful for our community.
Appreciated stock is perhaps the most cost-effective asset to utilize in making a charitable gift. When you donate stock, you earn a bigger tax deduction while maximizing your financial support of our mission, making it a win-win!
San Diego Habitat makes gifting stock easy.
Thank you for your consideration in donating stock to support San Diego Habitat for Humanity. The fastest and easiest way to make a stock gift is to initiate an electronic transfer.
Please contact San Diego Habitat when you initiate the transfer and provide your financial advisor or brokerage service with the account information below:
It is the policy of San Diego Habitat for Humanity to sell donated stock as soon as possible, unless otherwise directed by the donor.
Why give stock?
Please consult with your financial advisor to evaluate if a gift of stock suits your philanthropic goals.