Together, we can build up our community and put faith into action.
Wanna get your hands dirty? There are many ways your congregation can get involved on construction sites and other building activities to ensure all of our neighbors have a safe place to call home.
New Construction
Are you ready to don a hardhat and swing a hammer?

Give back to our community in a meaningful way while learning new skills — no construction experience or gear required!
Participants work in collaborative groups led by an experienced construction leader to complete building tasks and accomplish something meaningful — sometimes alongside a future Habitat homeowner.
Let your creativity run wild with a playhouse build.

Let us bring the build to you! Playhouse recipient families choose a theme based on their children’s interests, and we let your creativity run from there — we provide all the tools, training, and materials necessary.
When you take part in a playhouse build, you support the construction of real Habitat homes in San Diego County.
Home Repair + Preservation
Help local families with needed health and safety home repairs and improvements.

In addition to building new homes, San Diego Habitat partners with homeowners in need of repairs through our Home Preservation and VetRepair programs. Improvements include weatherization, sustainable landscaping, painting, and more.
Opportunities are limited and may vary in scope.
Contact us today!
Looking for something different?
Habitat offers a variety of concrete ways for people of all faiths to love and serve their neighbors.
Check out Unity Build, a multi-faith demonstration of inclusion, hope, and togetherness.
Because no matter your faith, home is a sacred place.
Members of our community from all backgrounds and creeds are invited to come together to create opportunities for safe, stable, and decent places to call home.