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ReStore Accepting Residential Donations

2021-01-29T00:59:44-08:00August 10th, 2020|

Your neighborhood ReStores have been open for a while now, but you’ve probably noticed that we haven’t been accepting residential donations. We are pleased to announce that we have worked out staffing and sanitization protocols, and can now safely receive your donations of home furnishings, building supplies, appliances, and more! Please remember that, on occasion,

+You: A Series of Discussions on Housing

2021-01-29T11:13:05-08:00July 22nd, 2020|

Everyone has been affected by the global public health crisis and the accompanying economic shocks of COVID-19. This is an unprecedented moment where every one of us has been forced to deeply consider the fundamental importance of home — of having safe, decent and affordable shelter. Many of us are also reflecting on social

Update From the Build Site

2021-01-29T11:13:13-08:00July 15th, 2020|

At Comm22 in Logan Heights, construction superintendents Dale, Jaime, and Leonard have been leading a physically-distanced team of Regulars and AmeriCorps members to move the build forward. The siding is close to being completely installed and caulked. Then we will begin exterior painting with the goal of removing the scaffolding and finishing the exterior.

Habitat for Humanity’s Role in Neighborhood Revitalization

2021-01-29T11:13:23-08:00July 5th, 2020|

Habitat for Humanity offers expertise in partnerships and affordable housing. Partnering with residents and other organizations helps ensure that Habitat’s work — from home rehabs to community gardens, from new houses to financial literacy classes — contributes to the fabric of neighborhoods and makes them an inviting place to call home. We can’t do

Shop ReStore Online for Thousands of Items

2021-01-29T00:58:26-08:00June 21st, 2020|

Our ReStores have been re-opened for business for just about a month, and we are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support we have received from the San Diego community. Thank you to all who have supported our local business — the store that builds homes. If you’re not quite ready to be out and about

Cost of Home Turns One

2021-01-29T11:13:30-08:00June 12th, 2020|

An affordable place to live is needed more than ever. One year ago, San Diego Habitat for Humanity joined hundreds of Habitat for Humanity organizations across the country to launch our first national advocacy campaign: Cost of Home. Through the five-year campaign, we are mobilizing our local Habitat organizations, our partners, our volunteers, and

Resident Leadership is Key to Revitalization Efforts

2021-01-29T11:13:38-08:00June 5th, 2020|

One of the practices that keeps the neighborhood revitalization work that Habitat does sustainable is Resident Leadership. As part of our revitalization of neighborhoods, Habitat identifies key individuals who are pillars of strength in a neighborhood. We rely on these leaders to continue the revitalization work long after Habitat has left the neighborhood. They know

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